Is C3 workshop a scam?
2013-09-25 17:15:22 UTC
So I go this letter telling me that I just have to go to this workshop thing and then a personal interview and they will help me find the right college at the right price for me for free. This is the site I was brought to when I went to register I found this thing called or something and it had basically the same formatting and I found a thread on college confidential saying it was a scam. I just don't want to waste my time if it's a scam. Anyone have some incite? I am in 10th grade by the way.
84 answers:
2013-09-26 16:13:53 UTC
Its not a scam but it is definitely not something you look into. I went to it and they show you this presentation where its about all the people that have "used" rightC3 to help them get into college. Its all total lies. They just trick you into saying that there program will help you find a better college but it actually wont. Here is how it goes, they send you a letter saying ohh you have to go to the workshop its soo important to your child's future blah blah blah. then you show up for the workshop in some place. They give you a totally planned out sketched presentation saying yea we offer all this wonderful stuff and all these kids totally got into college because of our program ( total BS presentation) and then they lineup their workers or whatever there scammers is all I can call them. They sit you down and thier like yea we offer all these cool stuff and they target YOU the student. They want you to get excited so you can force your parent to buy there useless program. So they try to get you pumped up and there like ohh yeaa you look like a good student yeaa this is really good. Then they give your mom/dad the bill. Almost 1,000 dollars for a bogus program that wont help you at all. Man, give me a break. Thats bs to the MAX. And if you dont sign up that exact moment then you have to pay 3,000$ instead. so your taking a risk here ASSUMING that there program is good becuase they dont even show you the website. They dont even have real life people you can sit down and talk to. They just have a phone number and a website. So in the end basically. Don't waste your time and dont certianly waste your money on those assholes. I'm in 10th grade too also btw. OH and btw if you get ANY letter in the mail telling you about ohh if you join our program it will have this this and this cool stuff if you pay **** amount of money. its total bullshit, get the paper and throw it in the trash. I hope my advice helped in some way, good luck.
2016-12-24 09:14:45 UTC
2014-06-26 16:16:52 UTC
Tell us "Casandra", how long have you been working for Right C3 LLC?

Non-scammers have a return address 'on the envelope', let you know up front there is a fee involved

for any services rendered, specify up front 'exactly' what those services are in detail, indicate up front exactly where (what area, what city) the alleged workshops will take place, don't establish that your are "scheduled to participate" (by whom), and make it CLEAR that this letter is an ADVERTISEMENT and they are merely an entity attempting to sell you a service!! These people are tantamount to the scammers that invite you for a free dinner at a hotel under the guise of giving you some free information or product and actually end up trying to sell you time shares, trust deeds, real estate, or 'how to get rich quick' schemes. Disgusting!!
2016-10-09 02:19:06 UTC
Right C3 Reviews
2014-02-23 13:34:25 UTC
This is not a scam. Yes,you do have to pay,but you are not paying for a "guarantee to school of choice." You are paying for the student to get help with SAT/ACT prep and for online 24/7 tutoring and other services that can make a big/huge difference in which colleges/university's will accept that particular student. They also review/ edit any applications,essays,etc. before they are sent in to perspective colleges so there will not be grammatical or spelling errors on those important papers. If you were to buy an ACT prep course( alone )it is very expensive. Please know the facts about something before you believe people yelling scam.
2016-03-11 03:44:44 UTC
I received the letter today and first thing I did was search the company on the internet. I had doubts to begin with but this site confirms it. Parents do yourself a favor and research these solicitors before it's too late! Your son and daughter should contact their school guidance counselor or do the research online before they or you commit to anyone who is trying to help you or your son and daughter. If it's too Good to be True you should hold off on making a decision right away and find out if anyone else participated in the program or simply avoid companies like these that most likely will have you paying more money out of pocket than you really need to. I have found many resources, over time, that are informative and helped in many way that do not cost me (a parent) any additional money. It just takes time.
2014-02-21 12:48:11 UTC
YES! it's definitely a scam, you should never pay someone to look for scholarships EVER. There are resources out there that do it legitimately for free. I went to the c3 "workshop" and at the end they said their fee was $2,000 that day but if you waited to make the decision it would be $2,500. It was very sketchy in the first place and even if it weren't a scam its not worth thousands of dollars.
2015-09-21 11:21:37 UTC
Its absolutely a scam. I got the letter also stating we needed to go to this. I assumed (stupidly) that is was from the school being that we have NEVER signed up for anything like this. It was a complete waste of time. Everything they offered the schools do for free. And they leave out the very important part which is after you waste an hr to an hr and a half they want $2000. I was pissed and told them so.

Save your money and talk to your child's school about this stuff.
2014-10-07 09:46:20 UTC
This company preys on parents unaware of the college process. They lock you into a loan with outrageous interest fees /rates for no services provided. I have been charged $38 per week for the last 11 months with no way to cancelo h sorry you have 72 hrs. Services were never provided I never received anything in the mail or any calls from the so called Coaches that are to help. This is the biggest scam I ever been a part of want to warn others. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING.WALK AWAY! Not worth the $2762 they charge.
2015-07-29 09:34:17 UTC

Pfffft, I'll even help you get ACT-ready and proofread essays for, oh, I don't know, NOT $2000 AND PRESSURE-FREE? I've been accepted to pretty much every college I applied to without the help of this façade.

You can do it! Speak to a trusty person who has expertise in the high school and college departments, whether he or she be your counselor, valedictorian, peer, relative, alumni—whomever. Prep together; you don't have to do everything alone, and it helps to get feedback and support! Save up money, persevere, and get Senioritis vaccines (just kidding, but don't slack off too soon!): it'll be worth it in the end because you can only go to school for so long. Have no regrets in the future about wanting to relive these years, which equates to the foundation for the rest of your LIFE. GOOD LUCK!
2014-04-11 05:11:18 UTC
My granddaughter is now 22. We got a letter in the mail and every thing that is being told is right. Do not waste your time. In the name of the lord. All that stuff can be looked up for free.
L. Lewis
2014-03-25 14:00:07 UTC
You can tell what kind of company C3 is, right from the start:

- No return address on outer envelope

- The letter says that "you and your student are SCHEDULED to participate...."

- then it urges you to call right away to MAKE an APPOINMENT

- the letter is manipulative in tone..."Therefore, you NEED to attend....Johnny's future is too important not to attend." [Translation: if you don't come, then you are a terrible parent who's throwing away his future!!!]

- the letter does not say where the "appointments" are held

- the letter is full of carefully worded caveats about how results are not guaranteed

- the same employees get on ALL the websites that are critical of the program, and post the exact same answers to prop up the company.

SHAME ON THESE PEOPLE for taking advantage of people who are too ignorant to see through this right from the start. This is predatory. How do these jerks sleep at night???!??

By the way, CollegeConfidential . c o m is completely free, 100% all the way.
2016-03-13 16:53:03 UTC
This is completely true and NOT a scam!! NOT!! We actually went in knowing it was a scam and after the long speech and fake promises we waited the 30 min. to meet with one of the advisors and I informed him I could get this info. On and apply for fasfa all for free and my son also had a personal coach for free all online and he responded quote" Yes you can do it all for free and not pay the $1998.00 but 85% of parents don't know that" like really the so called advisor admitted was all a fraud as well! IF YOU ACTUALLY GO AND BELIEVE THEIR BULLSHIT THEN COLLEGE ISNT FOR YOU! YOU BELONG IN A REG JOB, making min. Wage so PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND GAS people's
2015-02-18 18:07:47 UTC
This C3 workshop is definitely a scam. After receiving their letter stating that I must attend their meeting, I went with my parents. The presentation — obviously was scripted in a way that trick parents into thinking college is a financial burden. Too me, it didn't seem that my parents was picking up on this scam at all. After the presentation, we was called into a private room where we had to interview this guy. He didn't seem to care about the presentation; his main focus was convince my parents to spend $3,000.00 on something I can do by myself. To sum it up, my parents did fall into their trap and opened up a loan with a 16% interest rate. When the Interview was finished, we left, and I remember telling my parents "What's the point on spending nearly $3,000.00 when I have guidance counselors in my high school who can help me with my college admission process?" They finally realized where I was coming from; therefore, we look through their papers for some form of cancellation. Thankfully, It stated that parents are allowed to cancel checks before the first week of joining in their program. Of course, we called their business and everything fine.

Please stay away from this program! A lot of people make the same mistake my parents made and end up paying for something that wont benefit you. If you signed up the week before of starting the program, immediately call them and request a cancellation.
2015-10-24 11:33:47 UTC
I suspect these letters go out only to lower-income zip codes. One commenter above noted that the four-digit fee she was charged was being paid in weekly installments--a hint right there that this is along the lines of a Rent-A-Center, targeting people who are paid weekly, and likely cash out their paychecks at a check cashing store. They undoubtedly prey on people who want their kids to do well but are unfamiliar with the college admission process.

I am really curious if I'm right about them targeting lower-income zip codes. Can we get a roll call? Anyone from a really tony area get one of these letters?
krystal roberts
2015-05-07 13:47:20 UTC
Not totally, but C3 is NOT worth the money they ask. Ignore that paper they sent you and walk away. My parents purchased that program and the presenters lied through their teeth. Tutors are NOT available 24/7 like they said and a lot of them have NO IDEA what they are talking about, in addition to being TOTALLY RUDE AND BULL-HEADED! When I tried to get help from them, I not only took their advice, but also used it and failed tow assignments AND a test. What they told me to do was totally wrong. They do not assign coaches like they said and it is NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to get in contact with one!
2014-12-27 15:57:25 UTC
I just got this letter regarding my 9th grader. I know it's a scam. In my work, I help lots of high-schoolers get into college, and we use all sorts of resources to support them. NOBODY in our extensive network has ever used this entity, or heard of it in connection with ANY college enrollments. Further, it's just a mailbox "company": The address being used (3960 Howard Hughes Parkway, 5th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89169) is a well-known mail-forwarding service used by MANY scammers.
2015-02-14 13:46:32 UTC
Yes...yes...yes. It is a service that they charge for which is available through any local high school counselor and over the internet...for free. Their slick marketing letters, using teaser statements, a call to action and disclaimers about no guarantees are classic marketing techniques to entice people to look further into it. Beyond that, using pressure tactics to force snap decisions that cost thousands of dollars are reminiscent of used car sales techniques. I know few people who have walked away from a used car purchase feeling like they got the better end of the deal. Bottom line, dont waste your valuable time or money. Go talk to a high school counselor or community college counseling office. Study materials for the ACT/SAT cost less than $100 for study guides and multiple practice tests. Face it, if you haven t learned the basics, no study course is going to dramatically increase your potential score on those exams. Don t let unscrupulous people convince you that they can get you into a school when they can t do a darn thing you can t do yourself for free.
2015-02-02 08:36:01 UTC
We had Hans after he found out that I was retired military he told us he is a former Marine with $ 60,000.00 in debt to a Towson University. First the Military pays for your education second if you work for this company you should not have any debt like this. THIS IS A SCAM AND A BUNCH OF SMOOTH TALKERS. DO NOT FALL FOR THEM WE DID NOT.
2015-02-22 18:21:42 UTC
Don't ever go through the experience I did waited so long for some BS presentations and blahblahblah this will help and they make you wait to take to some "professionals" in some suits and they will tell u do u want to join this is a opportunity and they will say its 3000 dollars and its a total scam so yeah.
2015-01-29 14:46:00 UTC
I have been paying the bill for this company for about a year now. My daughter, however, has not received anymore help then what her counselors have given her. How is it that they want us to pay you so much money for so little help? If You guys get a letter that says anything about this company, be cautious as you will end up paying these people for no type of service. They have not helped at all.
2015-10-22 06:52:49 UTC
Anytime someone tries to pressure you into paying RIGHT NOW at the risk of a price increase, they re scamming.

If this was legitimate, they would allow you the time to consider the program rather than trying to rush you into an immediate, substantial financial commitment.

My son s school provides SAT prep for free. I bought my daughter an SAT prep class on Groupon for $149. She was offered scholarships at two different schools. I bought MYSELF an LSAT prep course on Groupon for $399, and it helped tremendously. I m currently in law school.

If your interests lie in having someone proofread your entrance essays and you don t feel that you re capable, contact the child s school. Their counselors tend to be VERY helpful, and they also help with scholarship applications.
2015-10-15 10:26:08 UTC
This ain't even an accredited business via BBB. If they're not an accredited business via BBB, I won't even give them the time of day. There's a lot of free help with ACT study prep and scholarship searches. How do you think people before the Internet got into college?
joe joe
2015-08-27 08:00:31 UTC
i recieved that letter yesterday from C3 workshop... anything that says presorted standard on the envelope goes straight in the trash... i'm sure its a scam
2014-07-25 04:26:38 UTC
We got the letter too, thanks for all of you who helped me decide. - Casandra, If it is a good SAT/ACT program, why not present it that way in the C3 workshop letter? Many companies have good software/online training products such as Rosetta Stone. They stand on their reputation and don't have to offer potential customers a (golden ticket) reservation code to attract customers
2016-05-01 17:54:45 UTC
thank you all for comments... I received letter and was suspicious as it is an LLC company, which in itself LLC does not mean is bad, but tells me that it is a small company and therefore wanted to do some research on it. After reading the comments on this page and the complains with the BBB, these predators should be in jail for taking advantage of people that are trying to do the right thing for their kids to get an education. be careful with these and other predators such as this...God Bless...Bill
2014-04-20 10:18:03 UTC
Especially considering that I NEVER asked for their services, their presentation stinks to the high heaven. Let me get this straight, people are to meet a stranger from an undisclosed location at a location that THEY choose. Why not club us about the head? Into the trash you go.
2016-01-26 23:22:22 UTC
I took my sister to the c3 meeting. Stupid me I didn't Google it and I could of save time!

We were there for 3 hrs! I thought it was suppose to help ppl with their Financial aid paper work so we stayed for the interview. (I didn't pay much attention to the presentation) the lady was very sweet talking and then Boom the numbers came out she was giving me the price for three students for 2800. I told her I didn't have my card on me and she was very persistent on me getting it. After many excuses I went to get. I came back she was interviewin another family. I told my sister that this was the prefect time to escape. But she thought it would be wrong of us. The lady gets my card after 5 mins I told her that we decided not to pursue with the services. We walked out the door which she followed us and told me " I'm very concerned about your sister she is very behind." She told me that like 5 times and I replied with its ok I can help her out.
Bruno E
2015-01-19 13:19:02 UTC
We appreciate your posts which are preventing us from attending our workshop in Orlando, FL.

We are scheduled for January 25 2015 at 3:00pm. Thank you! Now, we will cancel it.
2016-10-01 22:29:34 UTC
I received the same letter in the mail today. I'm trying to figure out how they got my son's name and address! If this was legit, it would be an address, that was red flag no.1, to make this even more humours, my son is 10 years old in the 4th grade!!!
2014-09-22 20:22:41 UTC
They had my mom pay $3,000 for the 24/7 "tutoring program" they said would help me bring my GPA up. It helped sometimes but not like I though it would. It turns out they were charging the card EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even on days I wasn't using it ( summer vacation, weekends, days I didn't have homework, ect.). All I'm saying is that it's a rip off and not worth it. Don't do it.
Yahoo User
2015-01-27 07:47:33 UTC
Looked like a scam letter to me as well glad to learn off others mistake as I make enough on my own.
2015-10-19 21:05:44 UTC
IT IS A SCAM. Please don't be buy into it--parents or students. They are ruthless and will entice you with nice talks. Don't go to the workshop. It's all stuff you can do on your own, for free.
2017-02-02 17:19:16 UTC
I received this letter and immediately googled it.The website is SHADY ,no reviews and no actual physical address/credentials,no return address on the mailing.
2016-05-15 21:15:54 UTC
Participate in paid surveys is enjoyable, interesting, and financially fulfilling and you can tell exactly what you think of the items you make use of every day since every year big and small business spend billions of dollars on studies and market research to help discover exactly what items people as you want to purchase!
2016-12-24 09:44:16 UTC
I wish I had read about them before I signed up. at the workshop, we wee told they guaranteed a 1200 SAT score or we could cancel, when we tried to cancel, they did not want to cancel the contract. they are not worth squat. nothing they offer is worth paying them. your child English teacher or counselor can correct their essays and their access ro prior test SO WHAT. NOT WORTH DIDLY IF YOUR SCORE ONLY JUMPS 200 POINTS. BEWARE - STAY AWAY. FRAUD!!!
2014-07-18 15:36:40 UTC
Well acording to what I have read it's a BIG SCAM, Thank You guys for saying something. It's great to see their are still some honest people in the world. My daughter will NOT go. Thanks again Her Mom
2014-07-20 12:18:54 UTC
Yes, in every way it appears to be a scam. The BBB has it listed as NOT being an accredited business, and there a several complaints filed against the "company".
2014-09-21 20:42:23 UTC
I want to say thank you to everyone that has responded to this! As a mom I tried to look into it and truthfully probably would have just gone if it wasn't over an hours drive away. Not finding an email address to contact them by either raised red flags to me.

Thank you again! Very helpful!
2014-11-06 14:46:24 UTC
Just received this letter. Right from the start it looked fishy. Decided to check it out and now reading all these negative comments. So glad we can google everything these days. Letter is now in the trash.
2014-07-16 08:03:41 UTC
Well I just got 'the letter'--tried to call but when I was number one the call disconnected. Then I went to the website to secure my reservation--entered my info then the link to secure my appointment did not work. I guess I'll count my blessings for that.
2014-07-07 10:42:56 UTC
My parents and I attended one of these workshops and we were told wonderful things about how our futures will be secured and how they will work tirelessly to find us financial aid etc. one year later they have done exactly none of that and on top of that lied about being tax deductible and refused to give us a refund. They refused to allow me to speak to their supervisor and the person who I called, Izzy refused to give me her Employee ID number and did not transfer me to her supervisor.
2015-03-06 06:53:11 UTC
Its not a scam... I use it all the time. I ve never had a problem. They have always manage to help me. Yes it is costly but sometimes you have to pay for convenience. It is not a scam at all. It just costs a lot.
2013-09-25 18:15:18 UTC
Why would you bother paying for something that you can do for free. You can find all of this information with a personalized College Search on:
Holly S
2016-12-30 17:31:59 UTC
YEAH IT IS! I got a letter addressed to the parents of my last name but a different first name. Also my son is in elementary school. How do they have my last name and address. thats what I want to know. Total scammers. Shred the letter
2015-03-06 23:01:10 UTC
We just got one in the mail sent to my son s story based, fictional character that he sometimes uses for sign in names on the internet. So yeah, definitely a shady deal.
2014-08-06 16:31:37 UTC
Thank you for all information here. I almost make a call to attend the interview for my daughter, Those scammer all over the places. People must be really carefully.
2014-03-14 12:59:31 UTC
Definitely a waste of time and money for something you can get for free!
2015-05-14 20:59:10 UTC
Yes it s a scam but how did they get my child s information? And how did they know to address him by his middle name, which is the name that we address by and not his first? Who else is privy to this information? And who else has his information?
2014-09-25 09:03:26 UTC
I got a letter and I am 37.
2014-07-08 08:56:04 UTC
Thanks for the truth here. It helped me avoid a big waste of time from this goup. I feel smarter already and will share ith my son. He will be wiser too. So, Not going to this event makes you smarter. Bravo!
2014-04-03 18:58:34 UTC
Everything about this seems wrong! From the letter to their website RED FLAGS everywhere
larry g
2015-04-08 15:58:02 UTC
This letter is reminiscent of the time that my son signed us up to win $25K, all we had to do is sit through a presentation and then blah blah blah blah blah............ That is 3 hours of my life I will never get back...
Tabetha Searles
2015-02-21 10:19:28 UTC
damn, um glad that i came across this in google search....we were scheduled to go today at 3:00 p.m. i even begged family for a MetroCard to make their presentation at the Hilton giving back the MetroCard
2015-05-15 11:57:28 UTC
I just want to thank everyone who posted their experience - time is a premium for me and I almost set the reservation but decided to google them first. Glad I did - not giving up my valuable time on a weekend to sit thru a scammy sales pitch! thanks you all!
2015-03-14 20:03:11 UTC
Wow I just got this letter in the mail today and I am so happy that I looked it up!!! It is really crappy that they are taking advantage of parents...thanks to all of you that posted your comments!!! GOD BLESS you!!
2014-10-10 16:13:17 UTC
I will show this letter to my son's school and see what they think about this letter I just received today.
2014-10-25 15:46:15 UTC
we got this letter, thinking the school my son attends to sent it, after we found out it didn't and started reading comments from folks that got one too, we decided not to go.,,thanks every one
2013-10-01 18:26:50 UTC
Thank you Martin for you answer very explicit. I made my appointment but after I read you review I decided to better don't go there.
2015-07-15 11:01:43 UTC
I would like to know where this company got my childs name and school age information. How the heck sold this information to them???
2015-10-03 14:50:53 UTC
Why would a 3rd grader get a letter like this??
2015-03-05 16:05:28 UTC
I appreciate all of your answers regarding this organization. Thank you for saving me the time and expense!
2014-12-17 14:29:23 UTC
Same thing with me, mp3501. I'm glad I looked it up!
2016-11-02 13:38:43 UTC
I just got the letter and i signed up because i thought it was mandatory but after reading the reviews i dont want to waste my time going but i was wondering if anyone knows how you unregister for it?

2015-07-08 10:24:14 UTC
But, but, but, they have such a nice reservation number. It looks so long and official.
2015-07-07 20:22:14 UTC
um, i keep getting redirected to commercials and stuff. I don't recommend this to anyone.
2017-01-20 13:58:50 UTC
First red flag...They couldn t even spell my daughters name correctly! Bahahahaaa
2016-01-12 09:01:12 UTC
so glad I read this before trying to get help with my daughters decision making for college. . .
2015-07-29 23:58:29 UTC

2014-11-25 15:00:21 UTC
Just received this letter for my daughter. so thankful for all of these answers!
2014-07-02 16:51:39 UTC
Thanks so much for all this information. i fall to scam too easily but i'm glad i looked it up. Thanks again for saving this gullible person.
2015-01-06 19:58:27 UTC
Thanks for all your guys above to have saved my time and money, as I am going to discard the letter received today.
Terah Snustad
2015-04-24 08:17:53 UTC
2014-10-29 17:33:44 UTC
Imagine if it was a porn website xD
2014-06-29 07:49:05 UTC
Thanks for your enlightenment; we were scrounging around to get some gas to go 25 miles for this crap!
2015-07-17 12:29:37 UTC
I sign up but I don t know if to go or not do I go?????
2014-11-02 12:03:46 UTC
SCAM do not go
2014-09-28 15:11:36 UTC
Thanks to all , they open my eyes , we decided not to go to the appointment, because we don't want to lose our time
2015-05-28 06:37:13 UTC
where is the building of this college?
yahoo user
2017-01-10 15:34:44 UTC
2014-10-31 08:38:45 UTC
Thanks for the info everyone. The letter is in the trash!
Marie B
2014-08-28 12:43:46 UTC
Im so glad I look this up first !Thanks everyone
2014-06-06 10:21:07 UTC
I got one, too. Hope everyone spread the word so these people won't able to make scam money from hard working parents any more.
2014-08-27 12:23:39 UTC
thanks all !!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.